Dallas Welcomes QUEST
Welcome to Dallas/Fort Worth and DFWQAA!
The newly formed chapter of the QAI Global Community, Dallas/Ft Worth Quality Assurance Association welcomes you to the QUEST Dallas 2010 conference! We're excited that we have the honor of hosting QUEST and are looking forward to carrying on the traditions set by Chicago and Toronto, who have hosted the QUEST conferences in the past.
The quality assurance communities in DFW are strong and vibrant and having the QUEST conference in the Dallas/Ft Worth metroplex gives us a chance to meet with QA professionals and experts from around the world who share the same passion for quality products and services that we do. We are committed to working with QAI to make this year's QUEST conference a great experience, and are looking forward to extending southern hospitality to all who attend!
Come join us Tuesday evening for the welcome reception hosted by DFWQAA and network with the local chapter officers, DFWQAA members and other quality specialists. We will be rolling out the Texas welcome with great food and hospitality!
It is an honor for our new QAI chapter, the Dallas/Ft Worth Quality Assurance Association, to be hosting the QUEST Dallas 2010 conference. We hope you will take advantage of our enthusiasm and excitement and LEARN, ASSESS, APPLY and CONNECT with other quality professionals from around the world at the QUEST Dallas 2010 conference!
See ya'll there!
Joe Reynolds
President, DFWQAA